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12 Healthy Ways to Bust that Belly Without Surgery

Are you struggling with that unrelenting and unattractive belly bulge? You might have noticed that you are not the only one who is fighting this battle. Having a big belly is something that stems from the unhealthy lifestyles that most of us are living. Some go for the easy way out with surgery, and that’s okay. But for most people who either don’t have the budget or the guts to go under the knife, here are ten ways for you to achieve it the healthier way.

12 Ways to Bust Belly Fats


Practice Good Posture

Aside from societal strictures, another good reason to maintain a good posture is to reduce the appearance of belly fat. This may not rid you off it, but it will certainly be a good way to make it look like you did, and its healthy too. So put yourself in a routine that will help you achieve a good posture. Bring your shoulders back, your head up, and your stomach in. Good posture also allows you to breathe better and it also helps you tone your abdominal muscles.

Don’t Skip Breakfast


According to research almost 10% of people skip breakfast. I guess not all of us believe that this is the most important meal of the day,  the question is – are you one of these people? Regularly eating breakfast can help you trim down your belly fat because it allows you to maintain a stable blood sugar level. This means that you prevent hunger pangs which causes you to binge.

A good breakfast meal should contain energy-boosting food or drinks like whole wheat bread, fruits, yogurt, milk, tea, almonds and honey.

Load Up on Fiber


A high fiber diet not only fills you up easily allowing you to eat less, but it can also prevent constipation and bloating which can hamper your chances for a flatter stomach. According to Dr. Lawrence J. Cheskin, a gastroenterologist of John Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore, you need to aim for 22-25 grams of fiber a day. You can get these from fruits, veggies and whole grains.

Detox Drinks

Juicing are an excellent way to stay fit, lean and healthy today. It is becoming a popular health practice which is proven to trim the stomach, and it is also an efficient way to detox. This is like hitting two birds with one stone because by getting rid of antioxidants you are more able to burn fats more effectively.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning is also a simple, yet effective, way for a flatter stomach. This alkalizes your body to help you burn fat better. For efficient results, you can even drink alkalized water which are already being sold widely today.

Stop Smoking


A lot of smokers may scoff at this statement as they generally see this vice to keep them thin. However, there are studies to prove otherwise, and that is thanks to the stress hormone cortisol.

Smoking puts us more at risk of the formation of visceral fat. These are the kind of fats that attach to our vital organs found inside our abdomen. Aside from creating aesthetic  concerns by giving you that unattractive bulge, this type of fat can also be very dangerous to your health. The presence of nicotine in your circulation will only make it harder for you to burn these fats up. So if you want reduce that belly, stop lighting up another stick.

Low Caloric Foods


Less calories also means less fat. Overall this means less belly size because when you consume a low caloric diet, you consequently reduce your weight. But it doesn’t mean that you have to slave away counting calories every single meal. You can still enjoy your food even with some restrictions. Boiled foods are far more better than those that are sweet, high fat and fried if you want to effectively cut back on your calories and belly fat.

Green Tea

This health drink may not zap the fats right off your stomach in one drink, but it can help you get there safe and sure when coupled with diet and exercise. There are multiple studies which showed that an antioxidant in green tea called EGCG can help boost your metabolism to get rid of the abdominal fats.

As much as this drink is good for you health, it doesn’t mean that you can chug liters in a day. It is best to drink no more than 5 cups every day to avoid caffeine-related side effects.

No More Soda


You can also bust that belly when you stop your soda habit. Aside from being unhealthy, it can also contribute to a ballooning belly size. Studies show that those who drank soda almost tripled their belly fat for over nine years. Soda contains empty calories which can contribute to the excess weight you put on which your body will have a hard time burning. Sodas also contain high fructose which can also make you obese, and it is also unfortunate that the fat buildup will focus on your midsection.

Bust that Stress


Did you know that even slender women who have high levels of cortisol due to stress can still get a belly bulge? This was proven by a study conducted at Yale University. It showed that women who are greatly exposed to life stressors are more able to accumulate abdominal fat. So try to manage your stress better, and do it the healthy way, to effectively get rid of that belly fat.

Choose Your Exercise Routine

A way to effectively flatten your belly is to do the right exercise. We may dedicate ourselves to doing a hundred crunches every day, but this won’t be that much of a help if you don’t do it right. You see, crunches only strengthen the muscle which lie behind the stomach fat, so you have to get rid of these fats first to achieve a flatter abdomen. A good way to reduce overall body fat is to perform cardio exercise. Pairing this with crunches will help you achieve the trimmed and toned physique you desire.

Eat Fats

Most of our diet are already laden with fats, which is why it is both good and sinful. If you want to flatten your belly, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up on fats. You just have to choose the right one. You must go for oils and foods that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to stimulate the production of fat-fighting hormones in your body.

These kind of fats will lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL), these actions help control blood insulin levels. If this happens you are also able to control your appetite, as well as fat formation.



Another way for you to bust that belly fat while improving your health at the same time is to go for supplements. There are a lot of these brands available today which contains different active ingredients, or “superfoods” as they are also referred to. From the likes of green coffee, African mango, and to newer types of tropical weight loss superstars like Garcinia Cambogia. These fat-busting supplements are now hogging the spotlight because they are formulated to be safe and effective as well. However, you must also be wise in spotting the fakes because the market is also littered with it. Overall, supplements are also a good addition to your fat-trimming arsenal.

I hope that you had a lot to learn from these tips. They have been tried and proven to bust the fats safely even without surgery. Don’t expect a change overnight because real results will always take time, with some showing it faster than others.

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