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How to Restore Normal Digestive Health?

Digestion is one of the most important physiological processes that are significant to our health in general. Since we are exposed to a lot of food choices, most of the time we end up with unhealthy ones. In effect this changes the normal process and environment of the digestive system. And this can result to a number of diseases and conditions. That is why restoring normal digestive health is important, and here are some tips to help you achieve that.

Eat the right kind of foods

It may sound like it’s a no-brainer but it’s actually hard to follow through. The American average diet consists of too much fat, sugar, salt and some artificial components. That is why over thirty-eight million Americans suffer from digestive problems such as food allergies, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) on a yearly basis.

So to avoid the discomfort and the financial burden that these conditions entail, choose organic based foods most preferably those that are high in fiber. Fiber is indigestible and it acts like a broom that sweeps off toxins that inhabits your digestive tract.

As much as possible keep your plate as colorful by choosing fruits and vegetables. They of course contain antioxidants which cleanse the digestive tract and protect it from inflammatory processes. Using the right kind of oils also does the same effect. Therefore avoid those commercial liquid vegetable oils and replace it with cod liver oil or olive oil.

Fats are also important to keep the digestive tract healthy. But make sure that you choose those anti-microbial saturated fats which you can get from butter, coconut oil, and grass-fed cattle products. This can prevent yeast, parasitic, viral and fungal infections associated with digestive disorders.

You can also have broth, stocks and soups that are made out of animal cartilage and bones. Lamb, fish, chicken, beef and turkey are among those that have anti-inflammatory effects, while also protecting the lining of the digestive tract.

Chew properly

There is some truth in the saying that you should take time in eating your food by chewing it properly several times. Aside from savouring it to the fullest, it also adequately breaks down the food which makes it easier to digest. The act of chewing also stimulates saliva production which will coat the food with the enzyme amylase that will make digestion much easier.

Eat slowly

When you eat slowly, this will give your brain enough time to register whether your stomach is already full. In effect you only get what you need. Eating too much can cause bloating, stomach ache and indigestion.

Take digestive supplements

Digestive supplements are also important in maintaining the health and balance within your digestive system.  The market offers a lot of digestive aid supplements that will provide your digestive system with fiber, polyphenols, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

In addition to that these types of supplements can also supply your gut with prebiotics and probiotics. The first promotes the production of probiotics, while probiotics are the good bacteria that guard the digestive tract from the bad bacteria. When you are able to achieve a perfect balance between the two, you significantly protect yourself from digestive disorders.

Make sure that you choose an all-natural supplement because this will be much safer and effective. Most of these supplements often contain papaya or pineapple ingredients which are potent sources of prebiotics. Xtendlife’s Kiwi-Klenz among many others is an example of a credible product that will optimally cleanse and protect the digestive tract. Click here for more information.

You should always remember to choose a digestive supplement that underwent extensive research and studies. And it should also contain a broad range of benefits.

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