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How to Stay Healthy in this Day and Age

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Photo credit: Ed Yourdon via Foter.com /CC BY-NC-SA

Does feeling tired and bloated seem to be the norm for you these days? Or do you often catch yourself under the weather?

Staying healthy in this age where fastfood is part of the culture, sleep is for the week, and pollution is the only reality, can be a real challenge. With all these factors  coming at you from all directions, sometimes you feel like you just can’t keep up.

With our body as our biggest resource and property, you need to give it the love it deserves. Here are some tips on how you can ensure prevention, instead shelling a fortune on something to cure.

When you are struggling to keep a HEALTHY weight

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 1.9 billion adults who are obese around the world in 2014. Being just a soft estimate don’t you find this to be alarming numbers?  It simply shows that people are struggling with their weight and appetite, and this hits right at home because this struggle could be yours.best multivitamin guide - diet

Photo credit: notyourstandard via Foter.com / CC BY

Keeping a healthy weight should not be construed with vanity, rather it should be a drive towards a healthier you. There are two type of diets deemed to help you achieve optimum health – the Meditteranean and Okinawan diet.  These contain less meat and it banks more on vegetables and fiber instead. It lower cholesterol levels, clears the arteries and promotes a more stable metabolism. Ultimately this saves the body from potential cardiovascular problems and diabetes, two of the prominent cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

However, the problem is in staying faithful to a healthy diet. So if you are just about ready to give in, remember these things:

1. Drink water

Sometimes thirst can be perceived by our body as hunger, so instead of immediately grabbing a bite, try drinking a glass of water first. Doing before any meal can also help control the portions you consume

2. Use smaller plates

Filling a small plate is a proven way to eat less without noticing it.

3. Proteins for breakfast

A breakfast that is high in protein has been proven  to suppress one’s appetite and consequently reduce cravings throughout the day.

4. Veggie Fillers

To cut calories bulk up your meals with veggies.  You can toss in some greens into that pasta or focus more on salads and fiber-rich meals.

5. Set the scene for slowing eating

The ambiance can also for eating can largely affect your appetite. Try dimming the lights and listen to relaxing music and leisurely enjoy your meal. Take your time, chew slowly and enjoy each bite.

When you are trying to get a good sleep

Most of us are guilty of poor sleeping habits, although for some this can be an unavoidable consequence of personal circumstances. What most people don’t realize is that constant lack of sleep can put you at risk for serious medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

There is an estimated 40 million individuals who are struggling with chronic sleep disorder. Missing sleep actually impairs you similar to being intoxicated with alcohol. When this problem prolongs, the mental effects would grow to be more serious. A person experiences brain fog and may have difficulty concentrating or even make decisions.

Therefore, getting enough sleep is not just about feeling all peachy the next day, it’s also about preventing serious health effects. So take note of these tips for a good sleep hygiene.

1. Adapt a relaxing bedtime routine.

Drink warm milk, practice relaxation techniques (i.e. yoga or mediation) or get into a warm bath, these signals your body to ease into sleeping mode.

2. Improve your electronic habits.

The use of electronic devices prior to sleeping affects your melatonin levels. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycles which can easily be affected by blue light.

3. Tweak your environment

Make your bedroom conducive for rest. Instead of bright lights, go for dark or ambient lighting instead. An uncluttered room also helps along with some comfy bedding  and the right temperature can make for a good setup for a good night’s rest.

4. Avoid stimulating substances and activities before bedtime

As bedtime approaches, try to avoid coffee, tea or any caffeinated beverages. Avoid exercising at night, especially if you are having trouble initiating sleep. the adrenaline rush will end up keeping you awake.

When you are trying to sweat it out good with exercise

Exercise is something that should be second nature to you in order to be healthy. However, this is something that is quite challenging for a lot of people to keep up even for a whole week. This is not to judge you, but the reality is that we fell into this sedentary lifestyle thanks to technology, work, and sometimes even by choice.

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If you want to burn the calories and sweat out the toxins, here are some tips to make it an successful and effective commitment.

1. Set some goals

Goals give you a direction and it allows you to be motivated. If you run, try increasing your laps at certain weeks. Also remember to set realistic goals, and enjoy your way as you progress towards your goal.

2. Set a schedule for exercise

A schedule will push you to commit and it allows your body to be disciplined as well. See what particular time it is appropriate for you to exercise. Some experts claim that morning schedules are best as it sets you up energized for the day.

3. Add variety

Don’t just box yourself into one exercise routine. Try to vary to keep things fun and interesting, and at the same time, this also challenges your body and prevents it from simply settling in a certain activity.

As you face a lot of factors that could dissuade you from your path to good health, it pays to stick to routines and habits that will keep you on track. A healthy lifestyle and the right motivation can certainly help you brave this world where sickness comes from stronger strain of microorganisms.

So gear your life up for better health! Enjoy your food, exercise, and sleep better! A good multivitamin con even help you fill in the cracks. Sort through a list of choices and see what’s good and what’s not at best-multivitamins-guide.com

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