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6 of the Most Essential Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Needs

Vitamins and minerals are very important components for staying alive. Without them, you won’t be able to digest food, walk, think, and even breathe. Thus, it is vital that you make sure you take in enough amounts of these nutrients so your body can get all essential multivitamin benefits. But how are you supposed to know which vitamins are important, and which ones are not?

Here is a list of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that boosts your immune system. Aside from that it reduces the risk of heart disease, and can slow down skin aging. Take note, however, that excessive amounts of this vitamin can be toxic, so be sure to stick to the right amount. Ideally, your daily dosage should be at 2,300 international units or IU.

B Vitamins

The 8 B vitamins work really well in maintaining muscle tone, metabolism, plus a sharper mind. Experts recommend also that young women have regular intakes of B9 or folic acid as it helps keep red blood cells healthy. Folic acid also protects the body against cancer and different birth defects.

Vitamin C

Vitamin is more than just a cold fighter. It is also a potent immune booster and it can also help prevent prenatal problems, heart diseases, as well as eye illnesses. Vitamin C also has a reputation for being able to fend off wrinkles and heal wounds faster.

Vitamin D

In many vitamin reviews, Vitamin D is often considered a wonder drug. This is because many health professionals believe that it can reduce one’s risk of breast cancer by up to 50 percent. It can also protect you against diabetes and ovarian cancer. Lastly, vitamin D is known to play a very important role in enhancing muscle function.


Women, especially, are prone to bone density loss even at the early age of 20. Thus, it is crucial for women to have a regular intake of calcium. This mineral is also powerful enough to build strong teeth, and can also nourish the nervous system.


Health care professionals always remind us that too little of iron in our blood can pose risks of anemia and a weak immune system. This mineral is particularly important for women who experience heavy periods.

What Are Vitamins And Multivitamins?

There are lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to stay healthy and function properly. If you don’t want to bother knowing about them individually, then it would be smarter if you take multivitamins instead. You can check out the Best Multivitamins Guide so you could have a better idea of what multivitamin benefits you can get from a multivitamin.

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