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Why Dining Out Could Rob Us Off Nutritious Foods

I know a lot of you may not have enough time to cook a hearty meal at hom, or sometimes we just find ourselves in situations where fastfood can become a convenient solution. The meal prepared in food courts may be easy on your pockets, but it is not necessarily good for your diet. If you are not careful you could easily consume unnecessary calories with very little nutritional value. Since there will always be those times when we have to make do with these less than ideal meal options, it pays to know how to be smart about it.

We eat because we need to satiate hunger. However, beyond that, we need the nutrients so that our body can function and be healthy. We need the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients derived from whole and raw foods. The problem now is that the meals you find in food courts are often short on these. So this defeats the purpose for all these food, which should not be the case.

How  do we choose the right foods and avoid busting our calorie count when dining out?

Navigating the choices available in food courts might be daunting especially for health fiends. But it doesn’t have to be a pain in the head because a little knowledge can go a long way and land you the best food choices. Here’s a good start when choosing a healthy meal in food courts.

1. Choose the salads

Even the double arches have their own choices of healthy menu options that involved healthy salads. These contain the right amount of meats by adding grilled chicken tossed into a fiesta of corn, black beans, tomatoes, and peppers. Usually, salads can also have a sprinkle of cheeses such as jack or cheddar. This gives you just the right amount of calories often within 290 calories. To be on the safe side, it is best to skip the dressing and go for a fresh squeeze of lemon or lime juice instead to cut back on the calories. Vinaigrettes can also be a healthy addition with just 30 calories but is reach in protein.

Fruit salads are also another yummy option. These not only give your palate a sweet treat, but it also gives you an energy boost. It doesn’t give you that blood sugar spike and crash that you get from donuts, chocolates, or cakes.

2. Eat breakfast

It’s always been a fact that is pushed by health experts but many of us often disregard. Breakfast, as they say, is the most important meal of the day. It is also something that will help you keep off the unhealthy calories with all those tempting mall munchies. Eating a healthy and hearty meal at home that is laden with the right protein and fiber will be enough to keep you full. A bowl of oatmeal with some dried fruit, nuts, and eggs is enough to fill you up.

3. Stash healthy snacks

Bringing healthy snacks or small meals will help you to less likely give in to those high-calorie snacks. Fresh fruits are always a home run with the likes of bananas, apple, or grapes. You may also have whole grain crackers or granola bars that have the right amount protein and fiber. Trail mix, rice cakes, and a turkey sandwich also make smart choices. If you want more ideas you can check other healthy options here.

4. Drink water

Instead of sipping lattes, which can be packed with calories by the way, you can go for a simpler option with water. This is the safest and most inexpensive way to cut the calories while being exposed to the tempting waft of food stalls that line the mall. Also, those hunger pangs that you are feeling could actually be nothing more than just thirst. This also helps you keep yourself full before you find a good and healthy meal.

5. Choose the right soups

Food courts also offer soups, but you have to be careful in choosing because some of these are full of cream and fat. A slice of bread may also be added to fill you up. If possible, it is better that you choose vegetable soups or those with low-fat clear broths with fish or noodles. However, it would be best to steer clear from rice noodles because this can increase your calorie count.

6. Avoid meat-based pizzas

Sometimes it can be hard to resist that tempting aroma of pizza, and it seems to be the best choice with just the right amount of meat, veggies and carbs right? This may seem like it but it is not really the healthiest if you are aiming to cut back on your calories. Go for herb-based pizzas instead. You can add extra toppings of veggies to make it more healthy and filling. This will put off the craving without compromising your diet.

7. Avoid these foods completely


  • Burgers with fried patties
  • Donuts
  • Pizzas that are loaded with cheese
  • Fried chicken
  • Ice creams
  • Fatty gravies
  • Muffins and brownies

8. Safe and healthier choices

Go for steamed, roasted, or grilled choices instead of fried dishes. It is also important that you avoid iced teas, cold coffees, and go for green teas, fresh fruit juices without the extra sugar instead. Shawarma or wrapped sandwiches, steamed dumplings, and pita bread also make good choices.

9. Sit down and savour your food

When you just sit down and relax as you eat you avoid what experts call “mindless eating.” This results in consuming extra calories without even realizing it. So sit down, finish that meal, take a load off before you continue with your shopping.

1o. Steer clear from these common food stall temptations

  • Giant pretzels
  • Iced cinnamon rolls
  • Rich and creamy ice cream
  • Candy and cookies

If you can’t resist these sweets, you can share them with a friend instead or order a mini version.

I know navigating the food court can be a very tempting, and can ruin any diet. But learning these tips can help you sort through the bad stuff and choose healthier options which are just as delicious and filling. Don’t let those iced donuts, meaty pizzas, and frappes fool you. Within those commercialized dishes is a handful of healthy ones that will give you your daily dose of nutrients.


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